Welcome to Floston Paradise!
This has been the first budget cosplay where I was nervous about the reception. Totally unjustified! Walking around in the Vendors I had...
Adoring Fans
Took my costume out to Rocky Horror Picture Show. It was a really great feeling to walk up and have other costumed fans cry out: Miss...
Together we will rule the galaxy
Taking my new Steampunk costume out to Dallas Comic Con I even had a few people take my picture for their own which was really...
Kaylee - Picture Perfect
Adjusting the sides that are much too big-even the velcro straps don't help bring it in enough for me to have a waist! A few more stains...
Fem Han Solo- Cost Breakdown
Total Cost: Shirt: $12 Vinegar: $3 Vest: $7 Pants: $13 Stripe Material: $1 Gun: $3 Holster: $20 Total: $59 Bought all at once at...