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Screen Accurate vs Comfortable

This couple? Not us. But they are rocking this Fifth Element duo costume! She def has the bod for it!

Me? Not so much. I got curves (me and the husband love them) but this costume shows a lot of skin I am not used to.

As usual with my budget friendly cosplay philosophy: when all the elements come together people (and fellow nerds) will know who you are/ get the gist of who you are portraying. This came into play for both my top and with the suspenders.

After researching how to make my own orange plastic suspenders (hard!) or cheating and buying already made ones (expensive!) I went with these from Amazon:

This gave more of the V look of LeeLoo's vs regular orange suspenders.

(Also, cannot wrap my head around people wearing these for NOT costumes. It's a legit mankini... my eyes may be irreversibly contaminated)

I opted to not show my midriff. I want to be comfortable at the Con and have fun which meant not being self conscience. Yes I am working on being healthier and curvy. But you should always go with what is comfortable for you. So that meant a regular scoop neck t shirt.

I modeled the orange V with tshirt/pants and my husband was quick to say it looked *super awkward. Not to mention it was like having a major wedgy - fail- and that was not going to be comfy all day either.

Which meant: time to break out my brand new sewing machine!!!!!

First costume for this guy! (cracks knuckles with evil grin)

I pinned the V where I wanted it over my boobs.

Again, not screen accurate but with all the emelents togetjer Im hoping everyone will know who I am!

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