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Body Shaming in Cosplay -Panel

Decided to cruise by the Body Image in Cosplay panel here at Dallas Comic Con.

Instead of a panel it wound up being just one cosplayer- ....

I was sitting there with my friend and I'm listening to this professional cosplayer talk about being teased about her size and I am looking at her thinking... Seriously? You are one curvy sexy lady!

Am I seriously the only one here who loves curvy ladies?!

Once she opened the floor a guy in the audience asked about costume shaming instead of body shaming.


He talked about his costume (A Boba Fett- which looked really good, being not officially screen accurate) and how he had gotten a lot of compliments on it throughout the day .

I even remember my husband commenting on it in a positive way.

Then he said when he passed by the 501st table ( a semi profession cosplay that raises charity money that is very exclusive even within its organization on the LEVEL of screen accuracy - it is a lot of time and money to be a member!) they had called out: "When are you going to get a*real Bobba Fett costume?!"

He said this really brought him down bc he had worked hard on his costume, building it from Halloween store bought pieces and some he had made himself.


I addressed the room:

The 501st are snobs. And I guess they have a right to be because they have spent a lot of time and money on their costumes. It's a status symbol with in their own ranks. I think you look great Boba Fet. I can tell who you are and you know what?

You were on a budget. That means you have more money to spend while you're here. Do you think those 501st guys have any money to spare OR have time to come to panels? They're stuck at their booth all day.

Well now I was on a roll-

I continued:

Going back to the discussion before- (at this point I stand up) Does everyone know what character I am? (Here I get a few Mutipasses shouted out) see? Everyone knows who I am but I was not comfortable showing my belly. I was also on a budget. But Ive gotten a lot of positive compliments and Im comfortable in my costume and I have money to spend today.

It is so important in this community to relay positivity. I *always stop and tell someone how much I like their costume. Especially when I can tell they were clever with unusual and budget friendly material!

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