New Heaven
For three years my husband and I drive by this epic looking costume place but we never stop. Today we did and as much as my husbad says how cute I am when I flit around trying to look at everything at once... He may regret stopping.
Not entirely budget friendly unless you go with the time to dig through bins and comb through racks. But it is a costumers dream!
Got new bruise wheel and Miss Argentina skin paint. Also found some gloves for that costume too since it was a pain that everything I touched turned blue last year.
Also picked up some Sovient Union pins to spiffy up a vest I have.
So many ideas rolling in my head for costume possibilities! Including a Firefly Badge costume for him and maybe a Day of the Dead bandidto for him complete with some kind of bedazzled/studded vest and face paint?! Or with the beard, maybe a cool devil mask.
For me, the countdown to halloween has begun!